My brain is always spinning its gears. The Operations Manager up there has to be working overtime, stashing away the time and a half pay. I cannot go ten minutes without planning the next ten minutes. Typically, this non-diagnosed OCD does not get me into too much trouble, although if my wife were armed with a 2x4 that could be a different story. Nonetheless, sitting still occurs only if I can get a minimum of two and half hours of daily fitness. I am constantly planning because I know how the day can slip away. It happens to us all. How do we fit it all into these few precious hours?
It was an ordinary start for a weekday. My little guy Sawyer, had his first wake up bell set for 4 am. His timing wasn't too bad, just a touch before my alarm. I coerced that little bug back down for the morning and I was on the bike. A nice two hour ride before the boys got up for the day.
Breakfast was served. Hop on the bike to get to the office a little early today, felt good to just cruise on in. The temps were above freezing this morning and Wash Park was buzzing. Great to see the other enthusiasts getting after it first thing. The office was hectic, but a positive vibe was present and everyone was excited about upcoming projects. Then a call pulled me into an unexpected afternoon meeting. Damn It, there goes the planned Ruby Hill workout. I was going to paste that hill 8 times today. I really need the uphill to work on my hamstring strength right now, not cool. Wait a minute, the appointment is in Evergreen you say.
A short 45 minute drive up the foothills and you are into one of the most gorgeous towns you could find this close to a metropolis. I love it up there, but always find it hard to justify the gas and drive time. Work brought me here today. With the trail shoes laced up, I was off to loop Elk Meadows. This trail is unbelievable. Steady climb right out of the gate, followed by what has to be thirty of the most relentless switch backs to the top. Temperature at 55 degrees, snow covered trails and not another soul in site, just an unbelievable lunch hour. I'll take this Thursday anytime.
Work, Life, Adventure...Considered yourself balanced for today!
I had my first "what would Joe Berg do" moment today. I had myself all talked of of a cold bike commute to work today. Then realized that all the reasons I had for no riding in were really just excuses. So I saddled up the Pugsley and off I went. 2 hours of riding in. Thanks for the motivation Joe!