Monday, March 21, 2011


As the journey begins, there must be an end goal. How can we climb to the mountain top if there is no peak? Sure an out and back hike is great, but without a fantastic summit you are just enjoying the flower beds. I have never been a flower bed admirer.

Even Sunday's hike with a couple of neighborhood dads and our five rugrats had a clear cut goal that traversed our group of 2 to 5 years-olds 2 miles up switchbacks and rock ledges to the end goal of Goldfish Crackers, oranges and rock tossing into the river. Constantly working the little ones through goal setting and focus while on the trail. Under the gentle pressure on their abilities to make each step count towards their goal of finishing this hike; their sense of accomplishment was beautiful.

I set my personal goals very high. To achieve these goals I create an amazing cauldron of pressure inside and out. I constantly preach my goals to anyone that will listen. You don't even have to ask, or care. When I externalize my goals, I increase the pressure on myself to exceed my goals. When I see you on the street in 5 weeks, I better have either run a sub 3 hour marathon. Or broken my damned leg trying! This pressure guides my training, increases my motivation and works as a constant kick in the rear while racing.

Set your goals high, tell all that will listen. Good friends will hold you accountable and assist you in reaching these goals. Better yet, Comment here, Tell me your goals. You better believe that I will pressure you to hold up your end of the bargain.

Tish - You can run a 50 miler.
Candice - grab another degree and another Marathon.
Heath - sub 3 is too easy.
Matt - remember how fast you used to run? Get after it!
Sara - 24 minute 5k? Seriously? More like 22:30.


  1. So well written! For me: Upgrade to a Cat 2 on the road bike. Top 10 in an Enduro Mtn bike event like Leadville or the like. Top 10 in an Xterra. Finish a 25k trail race with a smile on my face.

  2. Alright buddy! I am definitely starting to feel like I can do it. 30miles in the last 3 days have my legs feeling a tad sore, but I think it has to do more with actually running outside. Fitness feels great. My goals are 50k in July, 50 miler in the fall.

  3. Way to call out Sara! I like it. You know she used to run a sub 18.
